Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Features!

In response to our 4,000 pageviews over the summer, we have decided to announce a few things.

Post Updates

As you can see below, we have added new features to the bottom of posts 


Rating//Rate It

This was an update from Mudkip at TIME.
-Explains who wrote the post and what time they wrote it at.

Repost (Send gmail, blog it, tweet it, post on your wall, google buzz)

Email Post to Friend

What do you think?

By using the new opinion-based gadgets we have added, we want to know whats on your mind.

Site Update

If you haven't already noticed, we want you guys to be more involved in our site's operations.
So... we want you to know our views, and most viewed pages.

On Sidebar

On Sidebar


It is our duty to inform you guys that Bonsly has resigned. Bonsly  has aid "My computer is busted, and until I get a new computer, I'm quitting". So his positions open. Unless he gets a new computer, which you should be doing, Bonsly.

Also, Blastoise has stepped down due to other complications. We are looking for new people to write for us so...


You might have noticed that columns are not appearing. That is because we are preparing for the release of BW. There will still be some column once in a while, though.


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