Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HUGE POKEMON NEWS!!! (CoroCoro scans)

What we know:
  • The region's Japanese name is Isshu
  • The starter Pokemon are named Tsutaja (grass), Pokabu (fire), Mijumara (water)
  • There are two new moves announced: Claw Sharp and Trickery
  • Earlier this month we posted that there was a 3 legendary beast event in which they were SHINY. We now know that trading this to your game will unlock a battle between you and Zoroark level 25. 
  • Zoroark's ability is Transform which can make it transform into different pokemon at will during battle.

This is the starter pokemon page.

These are the protagonists who are "older than usual".

Additional Shots of Walking Around (factory/forest)

More Shots of Walking Around!!! (city/train tracks)