Monday, April 19, 2010

Just a Reminder...

The Yellow Forest event is still going on over Wi-Fi Connection until May 5th, so you still have plenty of time to get your event pass thing. In the Yellow Forest you can catch all sorts of Pikachu, some even with Fly or Surf! So just a heads up and be sure to read the last few posts.

:) Mudkip

P.S. This is the info on yellow forest.

Pikachu (M) Lv. 15 10000+ steps to find. Very Rare. Holding a Shuca Berry
Moves: Fly, Thunder, Growl, Tail Whip

Pikachu (F)Lv. 14 9500+ steps to find. Very Rare. Holding a Lum Berry.
Moves: Surf, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack

Pikachu (F) Lv. 12 5000+ steps to find. Very Rare. Holding a Sitrus Berry.
Moves: Volt Tackle, Fake out, Thundershock, Growl

Pickachu (M) Lv. 13 2000+ steps to find. Rare. Holding a Leppa Berry.
Moves: Flail, Helping Hand, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave

Pikachu (M) Lv. 10 Always able to find. Very Common. Holding a TinyMushroom.
Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Thunderwave

Pikachu (F) Lv. 10 Always able to find. Very Common. Holding an Oran Berry.
Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip

This update brought to you by Blastoise.

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